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Monday, May 8


Last night, in the restaurant, my brother had told my mum that a group of Bidayuhs had bad talked something about us. They were sitting beside our dinar table. My dad heard it too. Then, for a while, I said about a girl. Laughing like a ghost. My dad called me not to laugh about people. For the whole time, my brother kept talking with all of the family members except me. But when i started to talk, he called me to shut up and eat. This evening, my dad asked why would I need RM20 just for eating. I replied him what about brother? You give him RM50, RM 20, RM 30 when he go out to eat? My mom agreed to me and said my dad supposed not to be unfair. I was so happy that my mother was on my side. After coming home from dinner, I frightened my little brother saying that a lizard had fell down on his shirt. My dad once again called me to shut up. Last time, my mom used to say my dad didnt love my brother but love me the most. But now, I tink that thing has gone the other way round. I tink that he treats my brother better than me.