Not a fancy and luxurious dinner but not a simple and simply dinner too. It's just a dinner surrounded by guests invited by my parents. Those are my parents friends. "Close friends" I should put them in words. yeah! Of course there's one family for sure wont be left out in this event, that's UN family. My mom's bestest sista, aunt Lina. They've been friends for ern.. decade plus. Strong and tough friendship. They have build their relationship from friends to families. There are no doubt and suspicion about their friendship. Haha. Is my description a bit over?

see... they are busy le.. so i'm not lying. Haha
Before dinner time starts, my parents feat grandma were busy cooking and preparing the foods. Uncle Teck Syn came to give them a hand. Haha. We served prawns, chickens, fish and vegetables. Just anything that are edible LORXXX. I accompanied Ling Ling watched two movies that are Bedtime Stories and Wild Child. Ok do believe me for those who has intention to watch Bedtime Stories DVD or watch it at cinema. The title really signifies the whole story's plot. It's totally BORING and I don't understand what's the movie trying to tell the audiences. The plot is blurrrr and there's many questions around. But Wild Child is totally 361 degree opposite. Wild Child is so interesting and funny. Its something comedy plus moral education. That movie really brings moral value to the audience. So it is worth a watch.
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