see... they are busy le.. so i'm not lying. Haha
After buying chinese new year stuff, me and my grandma work together to bake another kind of cookies that is pineapple tarts. We baked 6 recipes all together. Wow, 6 recipes can baked about 200+ pineapple tarts. There are 50 tarts decorated by my grandma which I think doesn't look attractive and the rest is decorated by ME. Give me an around of applause lo. Hehe..
Is this the biggest popia you have ever seen? Don't ask me because this is also the biggest popia I have ever seen too and this is made by me. Haha. It's delicious lo by the way. If you are interested, you can order from me now.
I did some pineapple tarts for my best friend too. Wonder whether she would likes it or not. Haha. She loves pineapple tart a lot. :D
Apart from that, I did have some funs playing with my cousins and their friends.
My cousins. They look alike???
My cousins and their friends.
The shop in the middle is mine and phew my shop is save from the water
The water just reached below my knees.
As the dark comes in, the water is getting higher and higher and it reaches till up my knees there.