Sunset is coming soon wo....
Saturday, May 30
Practicing Presentation
Friday, May 29
Lunch at tarot??? :-(
Thursday, May 28
Lunch at SCR and OVERNIGHT again!
Wednesday, May 27
Preparing for Economics Presentation
Watching advertisement until so into it. Haha..
Monday, May 25
Tarot cafe AGAIN! haha
Sunday, May 24
Me and my friends went to saracraft to go there have a drink lo. St.mary reunion plus the friends who are going to overnight in my house tonight. Haha. Danny and Annie lo tonight coming to my house tonight overnight just to get done with Innovation and Change’s project. The project is damn troublesome. Mahuan lo I should say. Haha. Tonight I drove there with my friends there. Siew Ping cant go because she have to do her FORM 6 homework. Ek Jie too missed me so go lo. Valerie going also because of wanted to see my face la. Vivian huh too miss me so she dun dare to go. She’s afraid that she cannot control herself when she saw me at saracraft there. I ordered the Mix fruit juice. Ok. It’s totally very nice. I like the mixing flavor of fruits. If I am not mistaken, there are pineapple, apple, watermelon, and don’t remember anymore. Walao eh Valerie ordered an ice-cream. Peach ice-cream I guessed. Haha. From the looks are not bad .. but the flavor…. Ern im clueless le. -_-. Haha.
Saturday, May 23
Happy Birthday Danielle
Whose car following us? Danielle la. Haha. Sakai. Never see white Kenari before ah.
Finished emptying our drinks, Lesley and Wendy send me back to my shop. A big thanks for Wendy but Lesley no thanks for you. You make me beg for you . I don't want to say thank you to you lo. Haha.
Oh ya, I beh ki write the incident where I give help to a lost caucasian. He don't know the route to go LODGE 121 which was familiar for me but I don't know the place. So I suggest him to go Hotel Continental instead lo. He still insist want to find Lodge 121 because he heard that it was a nice place to go. I think that place just ok ok la..nothing special. That caucasian just don't want to believe my taste. Haiz... his loss lo for not going to my recommended hotel. I told him that the hotel is famous for the soa. I thought want to give him some relaxation cause he is carrying a big bag ok and sweats just non stop dripping from his face. Kolien. At the end he still insist want to go Lodge 121. Ok lo. I tell him ern.. I really don't know where is it... he say nevermind then we say BYEBYE!