Saturday, 28 Feb - There's a girl named Prudence Phang Xin Yi was unlucky to caught minor fever and flu after swimming at around 11 am to 12 noon yesterday. She was interviewed that she did not swim since 2006 and she believed that the reason she was sick is due to the drastic change of her body temperature. During the time she was swimming in the pool, she sensed that she might caught a flu but she did not give a DAMN about it. After swimming, she decided not to take shower in the bathroom as she prefers to have a good shower in her house. But, at last after some sorts of discussion with her two friends about going home later, she agreed to take shower at there. Prudence Phang also claimed that she cannot go under cool water or else she might get sick. Atlas, after a cool shower in the bathroom, she immediately caught a cold and it last till today's evening time after taking a tablet of medicine. From flu to headache and abit fever. She was wondering too whether tomorrow morning she was able to teach a guy Add Maths.
Saturday, February 28
Friday, February 27
This morning I went to stampark swimming pool with Wei Ting and Valerie. We started to swim around 11 am till 12pm. One hour of swimming made us got sunburnt immediately. Haiz... eventhough we applied sunblocks onto our body still can't get away from sunburnt. I guessed we didn't apply enough amount of sunblock. I keep my foot away from the swimming territory for 3 years until today I finally wore my Adidas swimming suit and jumped into the swimming pool. I realized that my body become STIFF after a few years didnt swim. I can't swim well plus I don't dare to go into deep area. I'm afraid that I may drown inside the pool. I played a prank to my friends as I always like to do. I pretended to be drowned for erm... 5 seconds. At the first time, Valerie thought it was real but I just popped up from the water so quickly she don't even has enough time to take action. Haha... Wei Ting was abit shocked too. I think next time if we go swim again, I won't repeat this prank anymore because it's quite dangerous for myself too. What if false become true.. :( Haha.. Although I'm not really expert in doing frog style, free style or whatever.. what I'm sure is I'm very expert in PRUDENCE STYLE. This style got the doplhin kicking plus frog's style. Not that I want to show off or what... I'm just kinda fast when it comes to swimming my PRUDENCE style. Haha. Besides that, I get to drive today under my mom's couch. I went to pick my brother and sister up from their tuition. So .. quite happy lo today. Have a nice day too ya'll.
Monday, February 23
P license is definitely not a Bullshit!!!
Haha... From yesterday until today's afternoon, I always thought I won't get to drive until I bought my own car next time. Little did I know that in the evening when my dad was polishing the car, (which was unaccidentally scratched by the gate as I drove out from my house's porch), I beg for him to let me drive. I want to learn driving. I want to learn side parking. I want to drive on the road. Those sentences were given to my dad from ME. Haha... At last, my dad asked my brother to couch me and let me learn reverse parking at an empty space. I successfully parked in a box and head off back home. :( After learn reverse parking, my mum allowed me to drive to Han Lee supermarket at third mile to buy some kuihs and keropoks. Haha.. although the distances is not far from my house as I live at second and a half mile, full satisfaction feel up my heart. Happy Day... anyway thanks to my dad for giving me permission to drive. Thanks to my mom for couching me to drive. Thanks to my brother for teaching me how to use reverse parking.
Sunday, February 22
P license is a BULLSHIT!!!
WHAT MAKES ME THINK P LICENSE IS A BULLSHIT ? ITS BECAUSE OF THE EMPTY PROMISE MY DAD GAVE TO ME. I HATE IT. I hate those who break promises. I look down on those people. I hate it till I feel myself are DUMB are STUPID. Although today i get to drive once but I guessed it would also be the last for me. No more chance for me to drive in the future till I get my own car. It makes me frustrate and angry the whole time when I talked about car. I HATE CARS.. .STUPID !!!! I think if I want to go out next time I would ask my friends to pick me up. So my friends... hope you guys understand ME!!! I cannot pick you guys up .. Sorry... Anyway I won't simply throw my tantrums to anyone. haha.. I just throw it to myself and my belongings.
Monday, February 16
Driving Test
Driving test has been circling in my mind for one week till today. I finally PASSED the test. I got 19 marks out of 20. And successfully pass smoothly for the uphill, park nicely in the side parking box and stop nicely at three pointer. I'm so happy with it and dear readers don't hesitate to message and CONGRATS me. Haha.. I'm so HAU LIEN. But this driving test takes around from 9 am register till 12 pm on the way back to home. Quite tiring actually. I woke up around 7am and then leave my house at 7.29 am. I was alone taking the driving test today and I've warned my other friends that if they want to take the test too make sure they have friends together for companies. Or else you will be damn boring and regret for the whole morning. Haha...Is it abit Over??? anyway... wish my friends good luck for their future driving test too. I wonder when can i get my P license ho.. According to my teacher it should be this Friday. But I don't dare to give so much hopes on this friday later the disappointment would be big for me.
Saturday, February 14
Best Movie Of The Month
This afternoon I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I love the story. It's very nice. I don't really know how to desribe a nice movie but I just liked it. Haha.. My readers.. do watch it. Ok ? Oh ya by the way, the movie length is about 2 hours and 38 minutes. So before play on the movie, make sure you are FREE.
Friday, February 13
Valentine's Eve
Last night, me and my friends went to Albert and Michelle for dinner and celebrate our Valentine's Eve. Haha. We dined happily there and talked about lots of the past and discuss our future too. This afternoon, Ek Jie came to my house lo. I was quite tired after accompanied her watched a chinese movie which I just finished watching it in the same morning. Then, I left Ek Jie alone playing computer while I took my nap. Haha... About 5 something, I start to prepare myself. Not long after Vivian's arrival to my house, we head off to the cafeteria. In the middle of the dinner, something had happened between us. I was busy taking photos which my friends DON'T LIKE. This were the snapshots i Got.
My float... looks a bit like MILO. :)
This is the nicest pic for tonight.

Is Valerie showing off her RM10 note or just wana cover her face away from the camera? I don't know le.. I will ask her one day.. provided if I remember. Haha

Is Valerie showing off her RM10 note or just wana cover her face away from the camera? I don't know le.. I will ask her one day.. provided if I remember. Haha
Ok... just now I did mention that some incidents had happened between us. Actually to be more exact, that incident involved two people that's Siew Ping and Vivian. They both were throwing RM50!!! to each other because they insisted to give each other a treat for tonight. In the middle of THROWING THE NOTES ACTIVITY, Vivian's float spill off down to the floor. Haiz.. I didnt' get to capture that. Then... not long after, it is Siew Ping's turn. Her mineral water spill off too. Guess to where??? Not on the floor and not on the table. Its to her chair and made her whole pants wet. Very unlucky rite... after that incident, then they finally stopped. Of course, the winner is Siew Ping. She always win in this kind of activities.. no doubt yeah !!.. so, the conclusion is we all enjoyed our happy times dining tonight.

This is Siew Ping's wet pants. Haha.. She used her tapao lamb steak to cover to make sure nobody saw it. "Sia Soi Lang ah!!," Siew Ping said.
Ok... just now I did mention that some incidents had happened between us. Actually to be more exact, that incident involved two people that's Siew Ping and Vivian. They both were throwing RM50!!! to each other because they insisted to give each other a treat for tonight. In the middle of THROWING THE NOTES ACTIVITY, Vivian's float spill off down to the floor. Haiz.. I didnt' get to capture that. Then... not long after, it is Siew Ping's turn. Her mineral water spill off too. Guess to where??? Not on the floor and not on the table. Its to her chair and made her whole pants wet. Very unlucky rite... after that incident, then they finally stopped. Of course, the winner is Siew Ping. She always win in this kind of activities.. no doubt yeah !!.. so, the conclusion is we all enjoyed our happy times dining tonight.
This is Siew Ping's wet pants. Haha.. She used her tapao lamb steak to cover to make sure nobody saw it. "Sia Soi Lang ah!!," Siew Ping said.
Thursday, February 12
New Hair + New Spec = New lOOk
SPM is over. 2009's new year is over. Chinese new year is over too. So, what should be over after these events passby? All I could think are changing my look. Get rid of my shoulder length hair which makes me look inactive and very dull. Maybe look a bit like AH MA. Haha... This month, I ventured myself into trying something different. That is owning a white frame specs and SUPER SHORT HAIR. Haha. My readers, what is my difference between the past and now ?
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