Wednesday, December 31
HAPPY NEW YEAR and Bye Bye to year 2008. Hope this new year can bless my whole family and my friends and other human being out there. Good luck to everyone and wish you all the best.
Monday, December 29
Strong Wind :(
Wednesday, December 24
Fun Outtings
Today about 12 noon, I went to Spring with Valerie. We went there shopping and met a few classmates at there working. I bought a present and Valerie bought one box of cornflakes and asked me to do some cornflakes cookies for her again. So, I promised her that this friday I can give them to her. I hope I won't break my promise. Haha. As we were walking on the second floor, I saw one girl seems to be like my friend. But there were three things that made me think that it's not my fren. First, she's holding another girl's hand [ I always thought that she's conservative ]Haha.. no offence. Second, her hair length is not after shoulder. Third, she's wearing tight jeans. Then, me and valerie went back from Spring about 2.30 pm. By the time I reached home, I quickly have my shower and after I wore my clothes, someone called me. It's my dearest friend, Ah Ping oi. We chat around 20 to 30 mins and I told her I have to hang up the phone cause later I got another outting with another friend, Ling Ling. I went out again with Ling Ling around 4.30 pm and went to cinema which is an another world to me. Haha, I'm like about two years and a half didnt step my foot into cinema. I'm not interested in going to cinema to watch movie cause it's DARK. As Ling Ling said she want to help me overcome my fear and I personally think that it's not that easy to help me overcome. I think it takes a long long time. We watched YES MAN and the movie is indeed a great movie. It's really funny. HAHA. I've picked the correct movie. Luckily I hate chihuahua dogs and that makes me not to choose to watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua. I'm sure Yes Man is funnier than Beverly Hills Chihuahua. HAHA. After watching movie, we head off to Secret Recipe to have our dinner. As usual I cannot finished my food and Ling Ling didn't help me finished it ok. Haiz. She's wasting food le but not me. Hehe. She gave me a treat and I was so paiseh. I want to pay her back but she refused. So, maybe next time another outting with her will be me giving her a treat. Next, we went back to my home cause she want to borrow some movie from me and I showed her my school pictures from form 2 till form 5. I noticed that I changed alot within that four years. Every year different look i got in the pictures. About 10, Ling Ling send me to my grandma's house cause I'm attending midnight mass with my grandma. This is my first time attending such a late mass. When we reached there, I gave the present to Ling Ling. I was quite disappointed when Ling Ling told me that she ever saw that christmas doll and she knows the PRICE again. Haiz. My heart was like falling down and feel so sia soi. I planned not to give her at first but what to do. I already bring it to the front for her and just give it to her lo. Embarass me alot. :{ But I was happy about this outting as this is the first time we both go out together. We always hang out together with both of our families around. The happiest moment is when I received her msg written those three words that I've been bugging her to send to me. HAHA. Finally I won. Abt 11 pm me and my grandma went to St.Peter's Church. We all sing along with the choir group. Mostly the songs we sang are christmas song. I spend my countdown at there and received my first christmas present. I'm so happy to receive it. A feel of fulfillness struck to my heart. So sweet. Hehe. I decided to sleep at my grandma's house tonight cause I want to accompany her and it's been a long time since I didnt sleep at her house. The last time as I remembered was when I'm 14 years old. As I didnt bring any pyjamas or extra clothes I wore her sexy clothes. I managed to take a picture as memory. So, this is the end of my story about today's outtings. Makes me enjoy a lot. HAHA.

Sexy o not my grandma's pyjamas.

This is my first christmas present. Although it looks simple, I was very happy to receive it.

Inside were these sweets and a bible quote. There is another rossary { is this the correct spelling }. Maybe next time I will post up the rossary.
Monday, December 22
Unexpected Appointment
Today I woke up around 12 something and called for Auntie Melissa to make an appointment for facial. She told me that she was free in the afternoon and without thinking anymore further I just told her OK i want to have my facial in this afternoon. I always have to prepare myself physically and mentally before going for my facial. But this time is really an unique and unbelievable appointment I have made for myself. I often had to prepare myself because my facial is like giving me lots of pains that I fear the most in my life. That's the reason too why i hate injections. I'm scare of PAIN. And this fear I might bring it till the day i die. HAHA. I was quite proud of myself that I finally have the courage to go for facial without doing some preparation for myself. Courageous Xin Yi!!!
Saturday, December 13
Association's Dinner
Tonight really having quite a tiring association's dinner. It's the Lung Si Association dinner celebrating their 50th anniversary. Other members from Taiwan, Japan, Pulau Pinang, Bukit Mertajam, Sibu and lots of other countries did attend tonight's dinner. So, it is counted as quite a big celebration lo. Due to my dad being a president of the young group members of this association, my dad has to arrive early tonight. And we also have to prepare earlier as usual. After working at my shop for the whole day from 8.00 morning till 5 evening, I have to rush back to my house and try to change into my dinner's dress as soon as possible. We started our journey about 5.30 pm and finally get back to my house about 10.30 pm. So this means that I had spent about 5 hours in the dinner which did not connect with me at all. It just connects with the members of this association including my dad. Anyways, I dont really care on spending how many hours of my times because now all i got the most is times. SPM over and I really got nothing to do during this holiday. It's quite boring though. And oh ya, I found out that my eye's dark circle is getting darker and darker. I think I should sleep earlier starting from now and get enough rest. HAHA.
Friday, December 12
Tonight Valerie, Vivian, Ek Jie and me went to boulevard shopping mall to have our dinner in Pizza Hut and shop around after having dinner. I had my spaghetti that I longed for quite a period. Besides that, we have ordered a regular hot pizza, one regular and one large plates of tempura, potato chips and sotong ring ( dont really no what's that called ) and yeah one jar of pepsi. I didnt managed to finish my one glass of pepsi where Vivian managed to finish hers and Valerie and Ek Jie managed to finish two glasses of pepsi. Hurrays to them. I don't really intend to drink much of the pepsi because I'm having my period. Haha!! I think we arrived at boulevard mall around 7 and we finished our meal only nearly 9. Wow... we really have a great time having dinner together. We talked and laughed out loud but didnt managed to cry out loud. HEHE. Then, we went to the INTI college's exhibition to collect some information about A'Levels and other courses that we may be interested to study in. After that, we went downstairs to shop for some snacks and FAMOUS AMOS biscuits ( that's my favourite ). The salesgirl asked me whether I would like to buy their blueberry muffin because according to her its very delicious. Then, I answered her back why still 5 muffins left there. I think I should change my attitude of answering people rudely. I feel a bit guilty rite now. Hope that I can changed. I should have answered no thanks and smile to her. Haiz. What am I thinking at that time? I'm just thinking of how to make her feel paiseh. Damn me. Before when back, Valerie, Ek Jie and Vivian went to sit the pirate ship. RM 4 per person for one round. As usual, Valerie the cool girl feel nothing about the pirate ship, Ek Jie just have no comment about the pirate ship just that she complaint the safety is not good and last but not least our Vivian who always scare of sitting these extreme stuff. She complaint that she was having headache after sitting that mini pirate ship. Come on Vivian you should gain your bravery a little bit more. HAHA, but I also pity her cause she said she feel like crying and stop the machine if she could. After that, Valerie's dad sent Vivian, Ek Jie and me back to my house. Thanks to Mr.Goh for sending us. So, that's our trip in boulevard shopping mall tonight. Oh ya, we went back around after 10. Quite late for me yeah.
Thursday, December 11
Passed My Car Law
This morning Valerie, Siew Ping, Winnie, Wei Ting and me went to have our car law at Simpang Tiga. Blessed us, we all passed our car law exams. I cant believe I get 49 out of 50. Passing marks is 42 out of 50. HAHA. Vivian comes later and she too managed to pass her car law. I'm so happy because I finally managed to achieved a result that I don't really expect it to happen on me. Although this car law is not quite important and a BIG THING, I'm still happy with it. HAHA.
Friday, December 5
Changing Plan
I had received news from my friend that I might have the chance to change my NS from badge 3 to badge 1. I dont know whether escaping from going to NS or joining badge 1 is a good decision for me. This decision has to be made by myself anyway. Haiz but I really clueless about it. I scare that I'd made the wrong decision and start regretting which I hate it the most. That feel sucks le. So, I just let fate decide my future whether joining NS or not. If I successfully change into badge 1 then I would join NS but if I failed to change into badge 1, then I'm going to leave my butt off and start my life in my new college. Haha. During this holiday, I just feel that I'm getting fatter and fatter day by day. Hence, I have to exercise more. I wish I could join into yoga but I have to make sure that I'm not selected into NS badge 1. Haiz... lots of problem I have to handle during this holiday. Not an easy holiday for me as I expected earlier. Big Headache. Never mind. I will try my best to handle it one by one as I believed that I can. HAHA. I'm a SUPERWOMAN bo.
Saturday, November 29
It Gives Me a Migrain
I was selected in group 3 of the PLKN. I asked the jabatan's number and called them. The receiver told me that I cant be able to change group and if i cant join in group 3 I have to delay my service till I finished studying in University but I need acceptance letter from that particular University I attend as a prove. After I heard this, I really frustrate. Cannot change group and must need acceptance letter?? Omgosh. I don't even know which university am i going. I'm not sure whether I will be staying in singapore or here kuching. Haiz. Then from where should i get the acceptance letter lerx.. I cried two times over this thing which I felt quite a little ashame about it. All my friends are selected to group 2 only me group 3. My best friend, Siew Ping told me that being selected in group 3 is really a big advantage for myself cause by that time I already started studying in University. HAHA. Yeah, after listening to her I also agree. So I decided to write a letter and give the governments my acceptance letter from my university after getting my SPM results. Yes!!! I've found solution for my big problem in my life. Hope it works anywayzz..
Thursday, November 27
Exciting Dayzz
This morning i wake up around 8 to prepare myself for doing cornflakes for Valerie my friend. Tonight me, valerie, siew ping, ek jie, barbara and debbra are going to have dinner together. Therefore, last nite me, valerie, siew ping and vivian went to boulevard to buy our friends some present as a memory since we are not going to study together anymore i guess. HAHA. We decided to eat at 101 premier's coffee shop but we ended up eat in the KFC. Nothing special about the eat of course but wat's the most special thing is the moment we ate together and joke together. We even gossip around and for me its a memorable night for me. Tat's why i decided to blog up abt tonite's event. You no what both of my dearest best friends gave me as a memorable present? Valerie gave me Hello Kitty doll which I like it so much and Siew Ping gave me UNO card. Its not just an ordinary UNO card. Its H2O UNO card which is completely resistant to water. I heard from Siew Ping that this H2O card left only a box in Kuching. No more to be own by anyone anymore in Kuching. HAHA.. Lucky me and the one who loves me the most, Siew Ping. When i opened the BIG box that Valerie gave to me, I saw my Hello Kitty doll laying in there waiting for me to give a big hug to her. The moment I saw its my lovable Hello Kitty i can't stop myself by having red cheeks on my face and eyes covered with tears. Ek Jie was standing beside me at that moment so no matter how I have to suck up all my tears away and stop crying for not embarassing myself in front of my best friends. So now, about what I gave to my friends tonight. Me, Val and Siew Ping shared to buy two necklaces for barbara and debbra each one respectively. Me, Ek Jie, Val and Siew Ping gave Vivian two shirts from body glove and me myself gave her a christmas deer. The deer was totally very cute and adorable and it looks a bit like Vivian. Cause the deer's face a bit sakai. Haha no offence yeah Vivian. I gave Ek Jie a star necklace and 999 stars which are originally fold by myself. Another one more star to fold and she can make a wish to come true. That's just quite superstitious of us as teenagers rite. But I feel quite sweet. HAHA. The funniest thing is that when Ek Jie get back home she really counts it one by one and she lost count the stars around 4 times. I wonder she already successfully counted the stars by now. HAHA. Ern, I gave Val a card about our friendship and one container of cornflakes as I mentioned it earlier yeah. She was so happy about it and after she read the card, tears came rolling down her cheeks. HAHA. So full of emotions la her but I'm sure there's another girl who is more emotional that her. That's my Siew Ping. I gave her 13 glasses just look likes test tube and inside there's some notes I wrote to her about my true feelings towards her. I wrote mostly is about our friendship. And guess wat ??? She cried after reading the notes. And when she read the notes again to Val, she almost cried again. Wat la her. I also don't expect my friends for crying over the present I gave to them. But this also shows that they really happy about the presents I gave to them and hope they will appreaciate it. HAHA. Really happy to hear that all my friends are satisfy to receive the presents I gave to them. Such a lovely night and happy moment I have tonite. Dont get too jealous ah my readers!!!
SPM is really over. Omgosh.. with a word haha is not enough to describe my feeling of happiness. It's like living in my own paradise. HAHAHA. I remembered on the first of november i was so nervous abt the upcoming SPM and i was so worried abt it. But now i really give a big breathe out from my nose since form 1. Phew. Heyz.. so what am i going to do after SPM?? maybe i wanna join yoga and jogging to build up my stamina. Yoga can keeps my body flexible and that's what i want. Maybe yoga sounds a bit quite old for my frens but i tink yoga is really a very enjoying and useful activity for me lo. I remembered my spm starts at 11 Nov and that was my first BM paper.. After this SPM i dun have to write anymore 350 words long Bm composition. I dun have to touch my history book again. Can say i can burn all my textbook without bringing any disadvantages to me .. HAHA. Jealous o not you guys to read about my hapiness??? Yes i tink so..
Friday, September 26
Escape again..hahaha
Today I escaped my school again. Haha.. eventhough my principal, Prisca had warned us that day asked us not suppose to escape. 5 demerits marks will be given for those who escape. Ya... i escaped again and i think my attitude of escaping school have become from bad to worst. Haha.. I don't care about what demerits or merits marks. Coz today if im going to school is really wasting my time. Going to bengkel from 8 to 12 to hear ex-marian's experience in other places!!! Might as well sleep soundly in the house. This is what I think cause i prefer i'm the one who is going to face and feel the experience myself but not to listen at other ppl's experience. And I just escaped. HAHAHA. Next week one holiday again cause its Selamat Hari Raya. Can relax in the house but i have to help my parents at shop too. Its for sure a tiring job but i rather help my parents than going to school.
Monday, September 8
The Past and Now
Last night as I was revising my BM literature something suddenly pop up in my mind. I remembered last time when I was Form 2 and it was nearly towards the end of the year. My grandpa was terribly ill and admitted into hospital for a few times. The doctors cannot identified what sickness had strucked my grandpa. My grandpa getting thinner and thinner while the amount of injection he have to take increases as days pass by. At first, he only have to take injection through his left hands, then right hands, stomach, left legs, right legs and through his nose. Everyone who come to visit him feel pity towards him but he always have a happy smile on his face. I guess maybe he don't want to let his family worry of him. At that time, he always urged my dad to ask his friend to finish building up his new house. His last wish is to stay in a new house. I promised him that I would take pictures on the construction of the house if I get to pass by his new house. But till now I haven take any one of the pictures for him to see although he get the chance to stay in the house for about a year. The thing that makes me sad is that I could not fulfilled my promise towards my grandpa and I feel guilty. Everytime when I miss my grandpa, I would remember back about the promise I gave to him. I should have taken the pictures for him although it's only one. Haiz...
Tuesday, August 5
Today my classmates and I went to a visit to UNIMAS. We started the journey at about 7.40 am after attending half way the assembly. It's quite cool to walk out from the assembly on the half way because it's like any urgent happened and needed our rescue. Haha that is just my high and stupid imagination. We went there by bus and we reach there around 8.30 am. We were welcomed by one staff [ can't remember what is her post ]. She brought us to a room and we were given speech and talks from lecturer and professor about the history of Unimas, course about Chemistry and Nursing. Ok to be honest these topics are all I am not interested in. I felt so bored in the room while listening to the speakers. To show my respect, I pretended to look as if I am really interested what are they talking about while my mind was just spinning around outside the room think nothing. Siew Ping was also bored too. Haha and her eyes went really red because she kept on yawning. After the speech we had our breakfast sponsored by Unimas. Next, we went to walk around the college to know more about it. The places that we visited are mostly the labs and library. Unimas is really a huge college. After visiting the all these places, we said goodbye to our tour guide and we arrived at school around 1.00 pm. It's quite a tiring trip for me. I feel like it's wasting my time because I didn't planned to study there and I am not interested in Nursing and Chemistry course. Hehe. Better don't say I don't like the courses later end up I liked them the most in my future. Superstitious me.
Saturday, August 2
Kuching festival

Tonight me and my friends went to Kuching Festival. My friends and I arrived there quite late. Haha. We planned to arrive there about 7 but with all the dilly-dally we made it till 7.30 pm. Tonight it was not too crowded like previous years. As usual there lots of food stalls around us. This year there are a few restaurant stall like Mango Tree, Thai and lots more. I think foods that are sold at there are suitable for ala-carte because you could hardly find a chair to sit what more to say find a table for you to sit down and eat. But I didnt planned to sit down and eat. Hehe wise me and luckily my legs was not tired at that time. That night I don't spend much. I just bought cheekies from Sugarbun, chocolate milk tea, Sarawak laksa [the best], and one ice-cream bun for my brother. I joke with Ek Jie and Siew Ping asking both of them to buy me a flying balloon which I would not even dare to hold it. I dare them to buy but at last I'm the one who freak out. I walked away as fast as I could before they got to buy one. Hehe. Don't angry ah Ek Jie and Siew Ping. Oh ya, we saw fireworks again about 10 minutes. Its quite a long though but worth it because the fireworks really sparked out very nice and beautiful. I like the blue and purple fireworks the most and I got the chance to take a few shots of it and a video. Haha. Vivian had missed the fun.
Friday, August 1
Thousands of Feels
Today I received my SPM TIME TABLE. When I got it at the first time, I feel nervous because I wonder when is my exam going to finish. After fully analysing the time table, I feel happy and joy because my exams only last for 2 weeks more and my exam just take about 8 days only. YIPEE. Next, I feel scare because I haven really prepared for my SPM. It sounds like very easy to pass through all the 8 days but it's not OK. It's the way of my stupid thinking to make myself calm down. Then, I wonder what will be my results in SPM. I am worried that it wont be good just like my PMR. I was so disappointed with my PMR results last 2 years. But what can I do. Things had passed and there's no chance anymore to retake the test. But obviously I am not so free to retake the PMR exam just to get straight A's. HAHAHA. I wont and could not have high hope on my SPM because i cant do it for my PMR what more to say SPM. Don't tell me that SPM is easier than PMR. I will smack that person's butt. Haha.
Thursday, July 24
Sweet Escape but Guilty
Today I escaped from school during my lesson. My school was all of out mess today because almost every students and the staffs are busy preparing for the concert on Friday and Saturday night. No teacher had the time to come into my class to teach and half of my classmates did not come to school. The situation is just like in chaos. No one will have the time to bother about you if you were taking a gun around the school. So, Wei Ting, Vivian and me had decided to escape from school after recess. We left the school without anyone's suspect and I hoped that no one had witnessed our action. Haha. I think I was out of my mind at that time because I accepted Wei Ting and Vivian's idea to escape from school. Actually it's quite a worth try though, but I felt guilty after I left the school. I planned to walk back to school but it's too late. So Vivian and I just walked on to my shop. Then, she called her dad to pick us from our shop. Vivian's dad agreed to bring me back home too. Haiz.. I am so worried that my classmates will tell teacher that we had escaped from school. Hopefully they wont. Makes me worried and guilty. I regretted for doing this. As I had said this is a sweet escape but guilty. I really would not try to attempt this again.
Friday, July 18
Shopping spree
Today me and my best friend, Siew Ping go to Boulevard shopping for Val and Jacinth's birthday present. Finally I get the chance to have a plate of my chicken chop in KFC. I've been longing to try that new menu but im so busy these days. I thought that chicken chop spread with mash potato gravy was very delicious but that is just the tactic of advertising new menu. It was not really that delicious. Hurm... One plate cost me RM12.95. Quite expensive though but worth the try. Then, we went into the boulevard's shopping mall. We picked a few clothes for jacinth and valerie. We spent a lot of time trying and choosing clothes for both of them. Really had quite a tiring time trying. Hehe. AND i saw one Nicole clothes so so so nice. I like it so much and it cost RM 71.95 after less. Oh expensive rite for just a vest but I bought it. Hahha.. I was out of my mind maybe when I paid for it at Boulevard's counter. Then, I saw Winnie's admirer at Boulvard there too. Actually we planned to buy for Val a watch and we saw one watch quite nice cost Rm100 after less at one of the watch shop in Boulevard. That casio watch was advertised by S.H.E who was Val's idol. But if we have to share that watch, means that we have to pay more and we are almost bankrupt rite now if we continue on paying for so much for our frens bday. Me and Siew Ping have to pay for two sides. One for Val and one for Jacinth. We shopped from 1 to 4.30 and that was such a long time. We only ended up buying Val's present which is a Cheetah shirt. Jac's present, we will think on something else. Maybe a necklace. Oh ya.. today is the first time too i am earlier than Siew Ping. Usually when we go out shopping, I would always be the last one. Hahahaha..
Thursday, July 17
Gosh ....
Yesterday night during Physics tuition, I saw a cutie. He is so CUTE without specs. But with specs ah ... not that CUTE la .. Hope that next time when I get to see him again he is still not wearing specs again. Haha. Today I've got news that he's a popular guy in his school and many girls did propose to him before. And unfortunately too he already owns a girlfriend. But that doesnt disappoint me alot cause I didnt plan to be with him also. Be friends with him is acceptable for me of cause. Hehe.. Horny me!! yucks. I thought that I can see his cute face in his frenster but he doesnt put any of his pic in frenster. Haiz..
Sunday, July 13
I feel so stress now. SPM is really coming sooner and sooner. I dun tink i hold my frenship very firm in this month. I donno wat i shud do. I hate it when I found that my friends especially my close friends don’t belief me. I find it very hurting for me myself. Sometimes im just so sick of frenship thang but Im a person who cant live without friends. I tink next time I should handle my friends problem properly and think before i speak. This is just so terrible. If i mistakenly said one word wrong people will misunderstand me. I really hope my friend take my as her close fren too as I already take her as my close fren. I doesn’t mean that I want some give back from her but didn’t she feel anything warm when talk to me or just chatting with me through MSN???
Slowly, I found out that we could only discuss about other people’s bad attitude. Other than that topic we really could not move on for very long time. Is this called as close friend??? I don’t think so but i really wished that we both can be close friend. My X friend {paiseh cannot reveal her name} told me that she thinks that me and her these days are very close. We’re making it so obvious and I just hoped that my Y friend wont feel any prejudice on us both. I really want all my friends and me had no secrets on each other and trust each other. But this is so impossible. Sometimes, when i am free i will start to think that will my friends betray me, will my friends distrust me, will my friends hate me, will my friends backstabbed me, will my friends dislike me at all, will my friends like me to talk the way i do, will my friends think that i’m bad, will my friends think that im just showing off sometimes, will .. will.. will.. That WILL is never going to end in my mind.Now im just clueless on how to solve my friendship problem. Im struggling in my heart to release me out from this problem. Im so sick of it. Friends are everywhere but its really hard to find someone who understands u well. Someone who understands you well does benefit you sometimes but when she may know what you think about her including bad stuff. That’s the dangerous part. Hehe. My eyes are now crying for rest. Haiz.
Slowly, I found out that we could only discuss about other people’s bad attitude. Other than that topic we really could not move on for very long time. Is this called as close friend??? I don’t think so but i really wished that we both can be close friend. My X friend {paiseh cannot reveal her name} told me that she thinks that me and her these days are very close. We’re making it so obvious and I just hoped that my Y friend wont feel any prejudice on us both. I really want all my friends and me had no secrets on each other and trust each other. But this is so impossible. Sometimes, when i am free i will start to think that will my friends betray me, will my friends distrust me, will my friends hate me, will my friends backstabbed me, will my friends dislike me at all, will my friends like me to talk the way i do, will my friends think that i’m bad, will my friends think that im just showing off sometimes, will .. will.. will.. That WILL is never going to end in my mind.Now im just clueless on how to solve my friendship problem. Im struggling in my heart to release me out from this problem. Im so sick of it. Friends are everywhere but its really hard to find someone who understands u well. Someone who understands you well does benefit you sometimes but when she may know what you think about her including bad stuff. That’s the dangerous part. Hehe. My eyes are now crying for rest. Haiz.
Tuesday, July 1
Happy Birthday Siew Ping
Today is my bestiest birthday. We celebrated it at After Three. I had just a plate of garlic bread for my dinner. Hehe. I'm not in diet but just don't feel like eating. That's all. Everyone seems like quite shocked when I said that I just want to have three pieces of garlic bread for my dinner. Brother asked whether Im in diet. Ok i am not but she don't believe me. Sob sob. Barbara and Debbra the both fraternal twins requested Siew Ping to feed us one piece of small cake to everyone. But she didnt feed Ek Jie. What a missed! Ya, as a 12 yrs friend of course my service would not be the same. Siew Ping had feed the cake for me by using mouth. Ya... we're both eating that cake mouth to mouth but we didnt kissed. Phew.. hahaha. Siew Ping likes the cake very much because there's a mickey mouse printing on top of the cake. Mickey Mouse is definitely her favourite disney character. So childish ho.. Haha. but I like Hello Kitty too. Im childish too. Hehe.
Friday, June 27
Wednesday, June 25
Really donno what am i going to do next. I fear that I might not being able to focus well on my studies. SPM is coming sooner and sooner. About 3 months left. Omgosh.. Really scaring. I cant imagine how will I feel when SPM is just tomorrow. I really will be very very nervous. When I was in Form 3, I doesn't really study cause at that time I just aim for straight A's but never try to do my best. That was me in Form 3. But this time, I know that SPM is really important for me because the results can determine my route in the future. I fear that I didnt try my best again and take this exam like just a piece of cake. Aiming for straight A's but didnt try the best is like aiming for shit. Haiz... that's me. Siew Ping's bday is next tuesday and is really coming soon. Me and my friends had planned to go to eat either in this sat or sun but we are pointless to go where to eat SEAFOOD which is Wei Ting's favourite. She's so energetic when we talk about eating seafood. She's so funny. I really dont know what to buy for her leh. Im really a hopeless friend. I no I no. HEHE. But our way of thinking is totally different ba. But this time I really wanna put my best to think of what to buy for her. Coz this is the last year we study in the same class and in the same school although with different uniform. She's a prefect okay! Haha and im the naughty and talkative girl in the class. Today, I just indirectly say about my class book monitor for not helping me to pass my report card to my form teacher. I said she is irresponsible for not doing her job. After class over, she volunteer to help me to pass the report card tomorrow to the teacher. I smiled and said never mind and told her that I will passed myself. I feel guilty after that. These days I just knot control my temper. Haiz.. Im really bad. Next time I think I should have think more before I said people and I confess that me myself is not a responsible girl. I always dare to point out people's weaknesses but never think of myself. I really wanna change and I had promised myself. YEah... I will upload my blog again to write about the celebration of Siew Ping's bday. This week she is the spotlight in my gang. HAHAHA
Saturday, June 21
It's been a week I didn't update my blog coz of my pc sent to hospital for two days plus after reformating my pc, the whole system is really slower than a tortoise. It was found that one of my CPU's ram slot was spoilt and the ram left 186 MB only. So now can u imagine how slow it is rite now my pc. That day my pc got attacked by virus its becoz of me filled with full of curiousity about a video "TWO GIRLS ONE CUP" and so I just went into a website to watch it. Really ah malang tidak berbau. That website coincidently contains harmful virus which i didn't realise it until when i closed the website. Unlucky ho? In this week, no special incidence happening around my life so there's nothing for me to write in my blog. So paiseh lo ek jie and siew ping for letting you guys to feel disappointed everytime you guys on my blog expecting that I did write sumthing in it. Hehe. Oh ya that day my brother { Shelby } got accused by one of our frens and she felt so down. But last nite, they found out who the culprit really is and my brother received apologise from tat peole who accused her. Phew.. luckily she's out of the problem rite now. My brother just accepted their apology and forgive them. Kind ho my brother. Haha. Siew Ping's { 12 yrs beloved friend } bday is coming soon. It's on 1st of July { Gawai Day }. We planned to go out to eat next saturday but she just feel shy and blew it off saying that no need to celebrate. I know her very well. She said that she dun want becoz she feel shy but actually she wants us to celebrate with her ma. RIte not siew ping? After reading this and if you agree to me den you jus call me la.. HAHAHA. I planned to buy her a Vincci watch but my this friend really quite troublesome. She don't like it coz that's not her style. She likes that kind of steel watch { LAU SIK STYLE }. Me and her style of wearing and things that we like are totally different but what i can't understand is we still can remain our friend relationship for 12 yrs and we keep it strong. Salute to us. When I asked her what she wants but she never wanna tell me. I no there's sumthing that she likes. Im really a failure friend coz im not very sure what is her favourite things and what she dislikes the most. Shhh.. dont tell her later im the one who kena BIG BOM. I tink i mostly end up buying bra or panty for her if I really cant find what she likes. I'll end up here and update again my blog to write what i've decided to buy for her. My budget is only RM 1. Really selfish ho.
Tuesday, June 10
Bad Day
Today in school the first period is chemistry. Im for sure very nervous when my chemistry teacher, En. Solomon give back the papers to us. Honestly, I dont feel very satisfy with my chemistry marks because Im really careless and clumsy. I missed out 2 question that worth 5 marks and 3 marks respectively. And Im angry at Val cause she told me that she dont know how to do the chemistry paper and not sure about her answers. But lastly she got the highest in the class. What is that suppose to mean. Nah, I just dont give a damn anymore about her cause she's been repeating this attitude again and again towards everybody. Sometimes, I wondered if she was really lack of self-confidence or just wanna pretend to be an idiot and just wanna be the most innocent among our friends. Ok stop talking about her. After recess, I go on with my moral class. Now another thing that makes me sick of exams. Again, I got 53 marks. Cause of what? Its because there are questions that all my moral nilai are correct but my FORMAT is wrong. That all questions total up are 25 marks and my marks just gone like that. I feel like stamping my feet at that time to release my anger. However I managed to control it. I told my friends if I had written it correct then I will get more marks than just a 53 marks paper. But my brother told me that there's no IF in this world. His words sound logic BUT BUT BUT...haiz jus forget about it. About my history and english paper, I dont have any comment cause I dont really spend much time on them especially history. Hehe. So, I dont deserved the high marks even though I wish I could have it. Tomorrow. I wonder how many marks I can get. Yesterday bad. Today worse. I really dont hope tomorrow is the worst because if it's really going to be the worst, I really will get more and more disappointed. I might be ending up not going to school on Thursday and Friday because of the disappointment. Haha. What an idiot of me getting upset over spilled milk. Haiz.. just forget about it. Remember always make our smiles freeeee...
Monday, June 9
Yesterday, I saw a rainbow ;D. I always think that if i see rainbow means that day will be my lucky day and then the next day will be quite unlucky. It doesnt mean that Im trying to become superstitious or belief in sumkind of what stupid thoughts, but I've been observing and felt that my life really goes that way. And its true. Today is the first day go back to school after having 2 weeks holiday and it means that I only left probably about 4 months left before the real SPM. Trial SPM will be erm.... one and a half months again which is in August 2008. It's coming soon and as time flies by Im getting more and more stress. Haiz.. really donno how to fix my study plan. Oh ya. Today, I've got a few of my test papers back and the results aren't really satisfying for me cause my statistic had dropped compared to the mid-term results which is in March. I think I need to work harder for the next test but I dont have any confidence whether I can work it out or not. Hehe. When I went to add maths tuition tonight suddenly one of the staff from sri sarjana, Mr. X [forgot what's his surname] came into our class and said EXAM tonight. Oh gosh. I just hate to hear this word. I haven prepare anything yet and my mind are completely blank about some formulas. So the whole night, I have to struggle myself to think about the formulas and ways to solve the problems. Its kinda torturing. But at last, I give up and discussed with Winnie and look up for my books hoping that I can dig up some formulas and ways to solve certain questions. The questions honestly are HARD for me. Im really not looking forward to look at my marks on that paper and dun wish that Miss Felicia will mark it. I hope she don't get disappointed with my marks. Hahaha. Tomorrow school again and have to face my nervousNESS again during giving back test papers. But this is definitely not worst than getting SPM results. Hahaa.
Thursday, June 5
This morning about 3 am, I accompanied my brother to send his friend back home. At that time, the roads are silent. Just a few cars on the road. I like the breeze at that time which is cold. Actually I get to try driving the car back home but my brother dont allow. What a slip of chance. Haiz. But never mind next time I will get that chance which is coming soon. Maybe this December I will start attending driving lessons and learn driving. Yes. Tonight I go to physics tuition and I have a test. I dont really know how to answer the questions. I have discussed with my friends and search for answers in the book. Are there counted as cheating? Hehe. Anything la cause I dont care anymore. My crush didnt go to tuition. Haiz. Didnt get to see him but never mind. I planned to forget him. All I need now is time to let my feeling towards him just fade away from my heart.
Wednesday, June 4
Family Reunion

Im really hopeless cause I didnt learn anything in this holidays. But never mind. Just forget about it. Holiday is enjoying myself. Why would I make myself so suffer thinking about studies. Haha.. Tonight I had an enjoyable night. My family, my grandparents, my uncle from Singapore and my aunty from Miri had come back to Kuching to spend their holiday. Will really miss them after they left.
Tuesday, June 3
changing ambition
Tonight my uncle from singapore, uncle Charlie come to my house and we have a chat about my future planning. From he, i cant denied that I really learn alot about life in this world. Real life. I planned to study hotel management. But from him, I learnt that hotel managing is really a tiring work. When people having holiday for sure I would be the most busy person in this whole world. No exact office hour at all. I choose hotel management cause I like meeting with different kinds of people. But he taught me that if I really like to meet with people, I can just join myself into association. I found out that his words really did make sense to me. He suggested to ask me to study accountancy and I promised him that I will think about this course. Accountancy course really fullfil my three wishes that are high paid job, not that tough to study compare to other courses like engineering, and last but not least is my future will be bright if I really study this course. But also of course, it depends on how much effort I've put while studying this accountancy course. Jus now about 12 am smth, I followed my brother go out to have supper with his friends. We eat porridge and just went back about 2 sharp. This is really a good experience for myself although it's a bit quite late going home at this time. But still worth the try. Hehehehe..oh ya my uncle charlie's email is Will try email to him to ask for help about singapore universities.
my interest and ......future
The drama that i liked to watch the most is singapore drama rite now. Totally in love with it. In jus 2 days, I've finished watching one singapore drama. I jus donno how did I managed to finish it. Really keng leh. Besides that, I always been interested in watching grey's anatomy and ghost whisperer. Both were my favourites in starworld channel. But unfortunately, there's no more grey's anatomy in starworld which I have to spent my RM75 to buy three seasons of the show in Kenyalang. Its really worth it for me coz Im spending on sumthing that I liked to watch. Hehe... I tink it benefits me alot by watching this show coz I can learn smth abt biology and jus some general knowledge. Among my frens, im the only one who loves this show and that makes my frens dont understand why i like this show. Haha.. Oh ya.. melinda gordon is the main character in ghost whisperer. If i could be like her then i would be so happy to help the ghost to crossover. I liked to watch ghost movies a lot but im scare of the dark. It doesnt make sense rite.. I remembered i cried in my fren's house during her bday party coz her house suddenly blacked out. When i tink of it quite embarassed me alot. But a past is a past. Hehe.. now im jus planning for my future. Last nite i went to sleep at about 5 smth in the morning. I spend an hour plus tinking about my own future. I hope to abroad my studies to singapore but im afraid that i couldnt succeed to apply for singapore's scholarship. And i also hope that after singapore i can further my studies to some western countries that i liked to go like switzerland maybe if i take hotel management. Im rite now having financial problem so i might jus stay in the singapore to complete my studies or staying in kuching. Haiz.. really donno about it .. it makes me headache every time i tink of it.
Sunday, June 1
really in these holidays.. im totally so boring in the house. My crush didnt reply my msg. Fine coz i didnt really like him anymore.. hahahaha. I planned to study but really don't have the heart and interest to proceed on. I promise to myself that this week im going to finish reading all my history chapters that I haven read before in Form 4. Hope that this task will succeed but im not hoping much. Useless me. Haha. In this holiday, I dont really hold my friendship very strong. There's some frens backstabbing me i guess. Will try to check whether its true or not. If its true I also cant do anything. Jus keep quiet and sit down like an idiot. Hope that after this holiday everything goes fine. I planned to do this blog for myself is because Im totally too boring in the house and really want to shout out my problems. I dont expect my best friend to hear all my problems coz these might make them sick.
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